I was wondering if anyone knew how to update the files (adding/removing/updating an attribute) produced by using the scaffold generator in ruby on rails.
For example:
scaffold student name:string lastname:string
so this will create a the associate files (controller,view,etc) with name and lastname as string attributes. When you db:migrate the project, it'll create the table in the database. However, say I want to update whether it be update it with an addition attribue (ex. studenId:integer) or if its removing or updating an attribute, how do you do that?
I tired just updating the generated files, but when I do that db:migrate it still sets the schema that is generated to what is in the table. Is there a built in script in rails that will update the table?
Any advise appreciated? Thanks, D
You need new migration file for new attributes, from console:
$ script/gnerate migration add_sudentid_to_sudent
it will generate your_app/db/migrate/8293898391_add_sudentid_to_sudent.rb, spicify in this file your new attributes:
def self.up
add_column :sudents, :studentId, :integer
def self.down
remove_column :students, :studentsId
after that, back to console:
$ rake db:migrate
and than you can edit your views, model, controller files and use new attribute