I have a table called Product. I need to select all product records that have the MAX ManufatureDate.
Here is a sample of the table data:
Id ProductName ManufactureDate
1 Car 01-01-2015
2 Truck 05-01-2015
3 Computer 05-01-2015
4 Phone 02-01-2015
5 Chair 03-01-2015
This is what the result should be since the max date of all the records is 05-01-2015 and these 2 records have this max date:
Id ProductName ManufactureDate
2 Truck 05-01-2015
3 Computer 05-01-2015
The only way I can think of doing this is by first doing a query on the entire table to find out what the max date is and then store it in a variable @MaxManufatureDate. Then do a second query where ManufactureDate=@MaxManufactureDate. Something tells me there is a better way.
There are 1 million+ records in this table:
Here is the way I am currently doing it:
@MaxManufactureDate = select max(ManufactureDate) from Product
select * from Product where ManufactureDate = @MaxManufactureDate
If figure this is a lot better then doing a subselect in a where clause. Or is this the same exact thing as doing a subselect in a where clause? I am not sure if the query gets ran for each row regardless or if sqlserver stored the variable value in memory.
select * from product
where manufactureDate = (select max(manufactureDate) from product)
The inner select-statements selects the maximum date, the outer all products which have the date.