What is the purpose of the Source attribute? Have a look at this snippet:
<Component Id="MyComponent" Guid="123456789-abcd-defa-1234-DCEA-01234567890A">
<File Id="myFile" Name="myFile.dll" Source="myFile.dll"/>
Since Name and Source have the same value, what does Source add? The code does not compile without it.
Where can I find documentation that explains these attributes? I have tried MSDN for MSI but did not find an answer.
File/@Source provides the location to get information about the file (size, language, hash) and to copy it to the correct location (either in a cabinet or laid out in a directory relative to the MSI file).
File/@Name is optional if you do not want to install the file with a different name. In other words, if the file exists with the right name on your build machine, just refer to it using the File/@Source and leave off File/@Name.
File/@Id is also optional as long your file name is unique. You cannot have two files with the same File/@Id so add File/@Id when you have collisions.
In WiX v3.5 I often just do:
<File Source="my.exe"/>