i'm working with neo4j and python (with py2neo), i need to put something like this, https://i.sstatic.net/nAzLq.png , in the database. Currently i have this, https://i.sstatic.net/x6skO.png, with this cypher query
grafoNeo4j.cypher.execute("merge (n1:k_mer {name : '"+src.k_1_mer+"'})
merge (n2:k_mer {name : '"+dst.k_1_mer+"'}) merge (n1)-[:solapa]-(n2)")
my idea is to get the graph of the first image, wit the corresponding cyclic relationships in the database. Hope that this is clear enough. Thanks for your time.
It is a waste of resources to have identical copies of the same relationship between 2 nodes. You can instead maintain a count property on a single relationship. The optional ON CREATE
subclauses for the MERGE
clause make this very easy.
For example:
MERGE (n1:k_mer {name : 'a'})
MERGE (n2:k_mer {name : 'b'})
MERGE (n1)-[r:solapa]-(n2)
ON CREATE SET r.cnt = 1
ON MATCH SET r.cnt = r.cnt + 1;