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Taking fourier transform after phase shift

I am trying to change the phase of an image and taking the Fourier transform of it. But this change in phase causes a leakage of power along x an y axis.

Suppose my image is a all ones matrix. If i take the Fourier transform i get Spectrum of all ones. See that all the power is at the center. In fact, unless you zoom, we cannot see it all.

Now suppose I multiply the matrix by a complex sinusoid. Ideally the power should just shift to the frequency of sinusoid. But this is what I get Spectra of phase multiplied image. Note the power that is leaked along the x and y axes..

Why does this occur? Is it because of the non continuous nature of signals?

Please see the python code below

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Init a all one array
base_image = np.ones([1024,1024])

#Generate a array so that we can make a sinusoid using it
x_cords = np.arange(base_image.shape[1]) - base_image.shape[1]/2
x_cords = np.transpose(x_cords)/512
x_cords = x_cords.astype(float)
x_cords = np.tile(x_cords, [base_image.shape[0], 1])
y_cords = np.transpose(x_cords)

#Generate the sinusoid
phase = np.exp(x_cords + y_cords)

#Apply this shift
new_image = base_image * phase

spec_base = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(base_image))
spec_new = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(new_image))



Thanks in advance for any answers


  • If you plot your new_image, you see that it is not a sinusoid:enter image description here

    Here's a brute-force approach to creating a sinusoid pattern without using complex numbers:

    # create a sinusoid
    F=4 ## select the frequency -- use an even integer to minimize spectral "leakage"
    new_image = np.ones([X,Y])
    for y in xrange(Y):
       for x in xrange(X):
          new_image[y][x] = sin(x/float(X)*pi*F)*sin(y/float(Y)*pi*F)

    enter image description here

    The power spectrum has minimal leakage, and if you zoom in you can see that the peak power is off-origin and that there are actually 4 peaks due to mirroring around DC.

    enter image description here