I want to generate the following path: '/app#/fragment1?test=toto' with spring library UriComponentsBuilder.
What I have tried so far:
UriComponentsBuilder ucb = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/app").fragment("fragment1").queryParam("test","toto");
ucb.toUriString(); // -> gives me as result : '/app?test=toto#/fragment1'
Any idea how to achieve this in an elegant way?
I would simply do something like :
// first build fragment part
String fragmentWithQueryParams = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/fragment1").queryParam("test","toto").toUriString();
// then generate full path
String fullPath = UriComponentsBuilder.fromPath("/app").fragment(fragmentWithQueryParams).toUriString());
System.out.println(fullPath); // -> "/app#/fragment1?test=toto"