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r: Change atomic in to recursive

I used the rvest package to download comments from a news portal and saved them using write.csv2 function. It looks that:

> str(mydata)
 chr [1:300, 1:7] "~my" "~cos :" ...
 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  ..$ : NULL
  ..$ : chr [1:7] "Author" "Comment" "Time" "NumberOfVotes" ...

My aim is to prepare data for text mining, in fact for a word cloud. So at that moment I'm interested only in the "Comment" column. I tried to extract it from a file by mydata$Comment command:

data1 <- paste(mydata$Comment, collapse= " ")

I got response:

Error in mydata$Comment : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors.

What should I do in order to transform it into a recursive form?


  • Your data is in a matrix. Data.frame (or list) subsetting doesn't work for this. Use matrix subsetting, e.g., mydata[, "Comment"]. You should study help("[").

    You could also turn your matrix into a data.frame using