I find this website (http://poi4xpages.openntf.org/) for install POI 4 in domino designer.
I download the zip file and follow the installation guide from https://my.webgate.biz/poi/documentation.nsf/viewdoc.xsp?docid=installguide
In step 2: Import the update site from the ZIP file into the eclipse update site. I try to import the site.xml file but I get an error.
The error is like this:
Object variable not set(#91) dlgimportsite: click (line 9)
I open site.xml and check line 9, the code is like this
<category-def name="Apache POI Integration" label="Apache POI Integration"/>
I don't know why I get the error because I download the file and extract it. In that progress, I did not edit any anything.
I search on the internet and tried the solution from this link and still get the error. http://www.openntf.org/main.nsf/project.xsp?r=project/Plugins%20Deployment%20for%20Domino/defects/2FEA2A74F1C2751686257863004F6CC6
I read this post Xpages Extension lib installation but I cannot get the idea.
What is the problem in site.xml? What should I do with it?
Grateful if someone can advice on this issue.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Sounds like this is the answer http://www.intec.co.uk/using-the-update-site-object-variable-note-set/
If you install into Designer first, you need to shut down and restart Notes