I have been looking at TAPI, I can detect calls, make calls, answer/reject calls... however the only reason im even looking at it is to get the CallerID.
I know the hardware I am using works for CallerID as I have used other software to check before hand.
I have tired using the COM obeject directly, using JulMar's wrapper, and using TAPI 2.0 and I am yet to find a way that works.
From my understanding the callerID should come through via TE_CALLINFOCHANGE.
The problem is the event never fires, and the callerID is always blank on the other events.
Has anyone had success with this?
May be the TSP doesn't send the message about a call info change, and the information never changes because it is present from the start of the lifetime of the call.
The call info is always present for a call and you can ask for it at any time. Just retreive it from the call, with ITCallInfo::get_CallInfoLong (lineGetCallInfo).