So I'm feeling that Google is getting tired of trying to help me with this.
I've been trying to experiment some with the SndObj library as of late, and more specifically the python wrapper of it.
The library is kind enough to include a python example to play around with, the only issue being it to get it to work. The last line below is giving me a world of hurt:
from sndobj import SndObj, SndRTIO, HarmTable, Oscili, SND_OUTPUT
from scipy import zeros, pi, sin, float32
import numpy
sine = numpy.array([256],float32)
for i in range(sine.size):
sine[i] = 0.5 * sin((2 * pi * i) / sine.size)
sine *= 32768
obj = SndObj()
In the original code it was:
That gave me the error
TypeError: SndObj_PushIn() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
Alright, fair enough. I check the (automatically generated) documentation and some example code around the web and find that it also wants an integer size. Said and done (I like how they have, what I'm guessing is at least, dated code in the example).
Anyway, new argument; new error:
TypeError: in method 'SndObj_PushIn', argument 2 of type 'float *'
I'm not experienced at all in c++, which I believe is the library's "native" (excuse my lack of proper terminology) language, but I'm pretty sure I've picked up that it wants a float array/vector as its second argument (the first being self). However, I am having a hard time accomplishing that. Isn't what I've got a float array/vector already? I've also, among other things, tried using float instead of float32 in the first line and float(32768) in the fourth to no avail.
Any help, suggestion or tip would be much appreciated!
EDIT: Became unsure of the float vector/array part and went to the auto-docs again:
int SndObj::PushIn ( float * vector,
int size
So I'd say that at least the c++ wants a float array/vector, although I can of course still be wrong about the python wrapper.
UPDATE As per Prune's request (saying that the error message isn't asking for a float vector, but saying that that's the error), I tried inputing different integer (int,int32, etc.) vectors instead. However, seeing that I still got the same error message and keeping the EDIT above in mind, I'd say that its actually supposed to be a float vector after all.
UPDATE2 After some hints from saulspatz I've changed the question title and tags to better formulate my problem. I did some further googling according to this as well, but am yet to dig out anything useful.
So finally managed to get it working (with some assistance the very friendly wrapper author)!
It turns out that there is a floatArray class in the sandbox-library which is used for passing float arrays to the c++-functions. I'm guessing that they included that after the was written which threw me for a loop.
Functioning code:
from sndobj import SndObj, SndRTIO, SND_OUTPUT, floatArray
from scipy import pi, sin
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test PushIn
# Create 1 frame of a sine wave in a numpy array
sine = floatArray(256)
for i in range(256):
sine[i] = float(32768*0.5 * sin((2 * pi * i) / 256))
obj = SndObj()
outp = SndRTIO(1, SND_OUTPUT)
outp.SetOutput(1, obj)
# Repeatedly output the 1 frame of sine wave
duration = outp.GetSr() * 2 # 2 seconds
i = 0
vector_size = outp.GetVectorSize()
while i < duration:
i += vector_size