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How to get a count between to dates and write the count of rows into a table with T-SQL?

My Language is T-SQL and I am working with MS SQLServer 2008.

Well, I have a table with a lot of data with information concerning employees. Every employee has a "startdate" (the time when he startet to work for the company) and and "enddate" (the time when he quit the job). I would like to write into a table the same count of rows as the employee worked for the company in month. For example:

My basic table:

Employee Number | StartDate | EndDate 4711 20150101 20150523

This example shows that the employee worked for the company for 5 Month. So I want to insert in the new table 5 rows with the following information:

New Table:

  Employee Number | StartDate | EndDate
  row1: 4711               20150101   20150523

  row2: 4711               20150201   20150523

  row3: 4711               20150301   20150523

  row4: 4711               20150401   20150523

  row5: 4711               20150501   20150523

I tried this to get the number of month between the dates. I guess I need to work with a cursor or something like that.

    declare @start DATE = '2011-05-01'
declare @end DATE = '2011-08-01'

;with months (date)
    SELECT @start
    SELECT DATEADD(month,1,date)
    from months
    where DATEADD(month,1,date)<=@end
select Datename(month,date) from months

Hope you got the idea, I tried to be as specific as I can.


  • I think that you were on right path.

    declare @start DATE = (select min(startdate) from dbo.employee)
    declare @end DATE = cast(sysdatetime() as date)
    set @start = DATEADD(day, - datepart(day, @start) + 1, @start)
    ;with months (date)
        SELECT @start
        UNION ALL
        SELECT DATEADD(month,1,date)
        from months
        where DATEADD(month,1,date)<=@end
    select employee.EmployeeNumber, Year = datepart(year, date), Month = DATENAME(month, date), employee.StartDate, employee.EndDate
    from months
    inner join dbo.employee on >= employee.startdate and ( <= employee.enddate or employee.enddate is null)