I have an OL3 Map containing a Tile Layer with an XYZ Source. In IE10+ and other Browsers (i.e. Chrome and Firefox) performance is great, but in IE9 it's really, really slow. I tried using DOM renderer instead of Canvas but that didn't help. According to the docs IE9 should be supported, so I'm a little stuck here. My Map construct is as follows:
var _maxExtent = [-20000000.000000, -9500000.000000, 20000000.000000, 14500000.000000];
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
extent: _maxExtent,
source: new ol.source.XYZ({
url: "http://myserver/map/z{z}/row{y}/{z}_{x}-{y}.jpg"
view: new ol.View({
center: [0, 2500000],
resolutions: [
zoom: 0,
extent: _maxExtent
target: document.getElementById("mymap")
Am I missing something? Is there a way to increase performance? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Turns out the issue was caused by the test machine running IE9 and not OpenLayers. Performance is good in a different environment.
As it turned out, not OpenLayers but my test machine running IE9 caused the performance issues. Switching tests to a different environment did the trick here, so problem solved :)