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iOS localization is broken with the upgrade iOs 9 + Xcode 7

I localized my app in Italian and English, using the Localizable.strings file and the NSLocalizedString macro. I also enabled base localization. Everything works fine in the simulator and on devices with iOS 8, but on iOS 9 the app is always in english, even on devices with the italian language selected as default in the iPhone settings. Does iOS 9 changes something with localization?

Here's a screenshot of the Xcode localization settings

And of the device used for testing

Thanks in advance


  • Solved, the "problem" was the key "Localization native development region" in the info.plist file. It was setted to Italy, so when the app was running in a device with the Italian language as default it was showing the Base localization version of the strings (the English version). Changing the value to United States solved the issue.