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Indesign script: how to pasteboard items

I have this script that finds a paragraph style, puts an item from a library at the very end and applies object style:

myDoc = app.documents[0];

myLib = app.libraries[0];

myObjectStyle = myDoc.objectStyles.item ("marker");

app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = null; 

          app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "Custom"

        var myFound = app.activeDocument.findText(true);

        alert (myFound.length);

try {

   for (i = 0; i < myFound.length; i++) {

      myIcon = myLib.assets.itemByName("winieta_tr").placeAsset (myFound[i].insertionPoints[-2])[0];

      myIcon.appliedObjectStyle = myObjectStyle;

     // myFound[i].remove ();



catch (e) {alert (e.message)}

I don't know how to alter it, so the items are obtained not from library but form pasteboard - any help would be appreciated.

Is it possible to find elements that are in the document by name, as it is with library elements?


  • Yes, you can find an object by name (you would assign that name in the layers panel) simply by using


    If you are looking for the same thing on a specific spread (for example if several items on several spreads have the same name), you can use


    Or if you just want to use the currently active spread


    Just make sure not to use the page to address a page item on the pasteboard as the pasteboard does not belong to any page.