I have a simple SQL table containing some values, for example:
id | value (table 'values')
0 | 4
1 | 7
2 | 9
I want to iterate over these values, and use them in a query like so:
SELECT value[0], x1
FROM (some subquery where value[0] is used)
SELECT value[1], x2
FROM (some subquery where value[1] is used)
In order to get a result set like this:
4 | x1
7 | x2
9 | x3
It has to be in SQL as it will actually represent a database view. Of course the real query is a lot more complicated, but I tried to simplify the question while keeping the essence as much as possible.
I think I have to select from values and join the subquery, but as the value should be used in the subquery I'm lost on how to accomplish this.
Edit: I oversimplified my question; in reality I want to have 2 rows from the subquery and not only one.
Edit 2: As suggested I'm posting the real query. I simplified it a bit to make it clearer, but it's a working query and the problem is there. Note that I have hardcoded the value '2' in this query two times. I want to replace that with values from a different table, in the example table above I would want a result set of the combined results of this query with 4, 7 and 9 as values instead of the currently hardcoded 2.
SELECT x.fantasycoach_id, SUM(round_points)
SELECT DISTINCT fc.id AS fantasycoach_id,
ffv.formation_id AS formation_id,
fpc.round_sequence AS round_sequence,
FROM fantasyworld_FantasyCoach AS fc
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformation AS ff ON ff.id = (
SELECT MAX(fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity.formation_id)
FROM fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity
LEFT JOIN realworld_round AS _rr ON _rr.id = round_id
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformation AS _ff ON _ff.id = formation_id
WHERE is_valid = TRUE
AND _ff.coach_id = fc.id
AND _rr.sequence <= 2 /* HARDCODED USE OF VALUE */
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_FantasyFormationPlayer AS ffp
ON ffp.formation_id = ff.id
LEFT JOIN dbcache_fantasyplayercache AS fpc
ON ffp.player_id = fpc.fantasyplayer_id
AND fpc.round_sequence = 2 /* HARDCODED USE OF VALUE */
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity AS ffv
ON ffv.formation_id = ff.id
) x
GROUP BY fantasycoach_id
Edit 3: I'm using PostgreSQL.
SQL works with tables as a whole, which basically involves set operations. There is no explicit iteration, and generally no need for any. In particular, the most straightforward implementation of what you described would be this:
SELECT value, (some subquery where value is used) AS x
FROM values
Do note, however, that a correlated subquery such as that is very hard on query performance. Depending on the details of what you're trying to do, it may well be possible to structure it around a simple join, an uncorrelated subquery, or a similar, better-performing alternative.
In view of the update to the question indicating that the subquery is expected to yield multiple rows for each value in table values
, contrary to the example results, it seems a better approach would be to just rewrite the subquery as the main query. If it does not already do so (and maybe even if it does) then it would join table values
as another base table.
Update 2:
Given the real query now presented, this is how the values from table values
could be incorporated into it:
SELECT x.fantasycoach_id, SUM(round_points) FROM
fc.id AS fantasycoach_id,
ffv.formation_id AS formation_id,
fpc.round_sequence AS round_sequence,
FROM fantasyworld_FantasyCoach AS fc
-- one row for each combination of coach and value:
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformation AS ff
ON ff.id = (
SELECT MAX(fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity.formation_id)
FROM fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity
LEFT JOIN realworld_round AS _rr
ON _rr.id = round_id
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformation AS _ff
ON _ff.id = formation_id
WHERE is_valid = TRUE
AND _ff.coach_id = fc.id
-- use the value obtained from values:
AND _rr.sequence <= values.value
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_FantasyFormationPlayer AS ffp
ON ffp.formation_id = ff.id
LEFT JOIN dbcache_fantasyplayercache AS fpc
ON ffp.player_id = fpc.fantasyplayer_id
-- use the value obtained from values again:
AND fpc.round_sequence = values.value
LEFT JOIN fantasyworld_fantasyformationvalidity AS ffv
ON ffv.formation_id = ff.id
) x
GROUP BY fantasycoach_id
Note in particular the CROSS JOIN
which forms the cross product of two tables; this is the same thing as an INNER JOIN
without any join predicate, and it can be written that way if desired.
The overall query could be at least a bit simplified, but I do not do so because it is a working example rather than an actual production query, so it is unclear what other changes would translate to the actual application.