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Susy: Temporarily modify gutter settings using With-Layout

I have two seperate images right next to one another, and I want them to be contiguous. The problem is that I need to move the right-most image over to the left. I could use the size modifiers for the span mixin (narrow | wide ) but that would change the proportions of the two respective images in relation to one antoher.

enter image description here

Instead I need to move the second image in the flow over to the left by temporarily removing the gutter.

I read from his old post here: that I can use with-grid-settings, which is now with-layout.

However there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to accomplish this particular action.

What would be the proper way to execute such a task?

Thanks in advance


HTML (Simplified)

<main id="grid">
 <section id="main_background_container">
     <img id="main_side_img"></img>
     <div id="main_primary_container"></div>


@include container(8);
@include background-grid;
@extend %debug;
@include span(8);
height: auto;
float: right;
height: 65%;    
@include span(1 no gutter);
@include span(4 wide);
background-image: url('../images/background-2b.png');
background-position: top;
background-size: cover;
height: 65%;

enter image description here


  • The with-layout mixin accepts any layout definition using a settings-map, or the shorthand syntax, or any combination of the two — similar to other Susy mixins. But I don't think that's what you want. Changing the gutter size actually changes the grid math, and your elements wont align. I think you want something like this (I'm making things up, since I can't see your code):

    .left-area {
      @include span(3 no-gutter); // remove the gutter here
    .right-area {
      @include span(9 wide); // span across what would have been the gutter