Navigation starts, all the delegate methods are set and everything works as intended.
But if a user switches to another ViewController, while navigation is still on, and returns to the navigation view controller, something happens with the navigation delegate, and all navigation delegate methods are unresponsive.
I of course tried setting them again
[SKRoutingService sharedInstance].navigationDelegate = self;
even tried setting them first to nil and then setting them to self again
[SKRoutingService sharedInstance].navigationDelegate = nil;
[SKRoutingService sharedInstance].navigationDelegate = self;
But it doesn't work.
So my questions are:
Can I even set the navigation delegate, after the navigation has started?
What could be the general cause of the ViewController "loosing" delegate?
P.S. I tried not setting delegates to another view controller, when I switch between them (even though I have a map on that other one as well, but didn't work out). As soon as I change my NavigationView controller by segueing to another one, navigationDelegate methods become unresponsive.
Ok, apparently It had nothing to do with the delegates but the fact that I didn't know I had to start navigation again, once I got returned to the Screen where navigation was on.
As I would transfer to the second screen, where I had another map, I could see that the user cursor was moving, so I assumed that navigation was still on, as the map is a singleton.
But in the end, starting navigation again with solved the issue
SKNavigationSettings* navSettings = [SKNavigationSettings navigationSettings];
//navSettings.navigationType = SKNavigationTypeReal;
navSettings.zoomLevelConfigurations = nil;
[SKRoutingService sharedInstance].mapView.settings.displayMode = SKMapDisplayMode3D;
[[SKRoutingService sharedInstance]startNavigationWithSettings:navSettings];