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JavaMelody - monitoring path param is ignored after JDK upgrade

After upgrade from Java7 to Java8_u60 JavaMelody's monitoring-path param defined in web.xml is being ignored. In the log does not contain any useful information. I was exploring the JavaMelody guide, but I have not found nothing.

The monitoring section was defined to path but after Java upgrade is in the default location Does anyone have any experiences with this issue? my web.xml conf:




Used technologies: JavaMelody 1.57.0, Apache Tomcat 7, Spring


  • As I mentioned in my comment, the solution is described in issue 459.

    • You can either config JavaMelody using context-param in your web.xml (by default JavaMelody is configured through web-fragment.xml in its jar file, so by using context params you override its settings in web.xml)
    • Or just use any other filter name instead of "monitoring" (in this case filter settings in web-fragment.xml are ignored, but settings from application web.xml are activated)