I'm serving requests from several XMLRPC clients over WAN. The thing works great for, let's say, a period of one day (sometimes two), then freezes in socket.py:
data = self._sock.recv(self._rbufsize)
_sock.timeout is -1, _sock.gettimeout is None
There is nothing special I do in the main thread (just receiving XMLRPC calls), there are another two threads talking to DB. Both these threads work fine and survive this block (did a check with WinPdb). Clients are sending requests not being longer than 1KB, and there isn't any special content: just nice and clean strings in dictionary. Between two blockings I serve tens of thousands requests without problems. Firewall is off, no strange software on the same machine, etc...
I use Windows XP and Python 2.6.4. I've checked differences between 2.6.4. and 2.6.5, and didn't find anything important (or am I mistaking?). 2.7 version is not an option as I would miss binaries for MySqlDB.
The only thing that happens from time to time caused by the clients that have poor internet connection is that sockets break. This is happening, every 5-10 minutes (there are just five clients accessing server every 2 seconds).
I've spent great deal of time on this issue, now I'm beginning to lose any ideas what to do. Any hint or thought would be highly appreciated.
What exactly is happening in your OS's TCP/IP stack (possibly in the python layers on top, but that's less likely) to cause this is a mystery. As a practical workaround, I'd set a timeout longer than the delays you expect between requests (10 seconds should be plenty if you expect a request every 2 seconds) and if one occurs, close and reopen. (Calibrate the delay needed to work around freezes without interrupting normal traffic by trial and error). Unpleasant to hack a fix w/o understanding the problem, I know, but being pragmatical about such things is a necessary survival trait in the world of writing, deploying and operating actual server systems. Be sure to comment the workaround accurately for future maintainers!