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Only one cookie available in response from Mule HTTP operation-based Connector

I'm trying to get a project that was made in Mule 3.4 working in Mule 3.7. In Mule 3.4, using the HTTP endpoint-based Connector it was possible to retrieve multiple cookies from response messages by using:

    Object cookieObj = message.getInboundProperty("Set-Cookie");
    String cookieValSchoolname = CookieHelper.getCookieValueFromCookies (cookieObj, "schoolname");
    String cookieValJSessionId = CookieHelper.getCookieValueFromCookies(cookieObj, "JSESSIONID");

In Mule 3.4, using the HTTP endpoint-based Connector, the inbound property "Set-Cookie" contained an array of all the cookies that are set with Set-Cookie in the http header.

However when I use the same code with the new HTTP operation-based Connector, the inbound property "Set-Cookie" only contains the first cookie and not an array with all cookies.

Can anybody tell me how I can access all cookies using the new HTTP Connector? Maybe there is a way to retrieve the raw http header, to parse that?

The only other inbound properties the message has are content-length, http.reason, http.status, content-type, server and date.


  • This is a bug. You can check the fix versions there. Cannot think of any workarounds unfortunately.