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NME android path location?

nme test build.nmml android

Error: Could not find /Library/Android//extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar

This is my error.

I see that there is a "//", but there should be a directory there normally my path is


Can someone tell me where I can change this path ?


  • Okay, after hours of searching, i've found the file:


    You can easily modify those line (with a sudo or a chmod, because it's in read only mode).

        <section id="vars">
                <set name="ANDROID_SETUP" value="true" />
                <set name="ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" value="/Library/Android/android_ndk" />
                <set name="MAC_USE_CURRENT_SDK" value="1" />
                <set name="ANDROID_SDK" value="/Library/Android/android_sdk" />
                <set name="ANT_HOME" value="/Library/Android/apache_ant" />