We have WKWebView
in iOS 8 and SFSafariViewController
in iOS 9.
I know that WKWebView
subclasses from UIView
, and that SFSafariViewController
subclasses from UIViewController
They are essentially different.
My question is about memory management between these two components.
Quoted from developers at Facebook, Reducing FOOMs in the Facebook iOS app
WKWebView — that actually performs most of its work in a separate process, which means that most web-view-related memory usage would not be attributed to our process.
This helps a lot in preventing our app from being killed because our process consumes a large amount of memory.
Does SFSafariViewController handle web-view-related memory in a separate process like WKWebView?
Yes, Safari View Controller runs in a separate process from your application. Here's a link to WWDC session.