I use rails-bootstrap-forms
gem to create a form in rail app. In the form, I have a date input:
<%= f.date_select :end_date, hide_label: true %>
I want to use date picker in bootstrap-datepicker-rails
gem, it give a example that:
<input type="text" class='datepicker' >
<script type="text/javascript">
<input type="text" data-provide='datepicker' >
I followed this answer and changed my code, but it didn't work:
<%= f.text_field :start_date, hide_label: true, class: 'datepicker' %>
<script type="text/javascript">
Then, I followed the description in the bootstrap_form:
If you want to add an additional css class or any other attribute to the form group div, you can use the wrapper: { class: 'additional-class', data: { foo: 'bar' } } option.
And changed my code into:
<%= f.text_field :start_date, hide_label: true, wrapper: {class: 'datepicker'} %>
It didn't work as well. So how to fix this problem? thanks.
Check your application js and css for required files
Add this line to app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
*= require bootstrap-datepicker
Or if using bootstrap v3:
*= require bootstrap-datepicker3
Add this line to app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require bootstrap-datepicker
this should work:
<%= f.text_field :start_date, hide_label: true, class: 'datepicker' %>