I found some help in how to get this done via the answer linked here. But it doesn't fit my use case. My goal is to fetch all records in a DynamoDB Table (usernames and emails). Looking through doc I have to use LastEvaluatedKey or ExclusiveStartKey to implement pagination. Any guidance will be appreciated.
This query will able to get all records from DynamoDB Table.
function scanAllData($table,$limit){
$result = $this->getClientdb()->scan(array(
'TableName' => $table,
'Limit' => $limit,
'Select' => 'ALL_ATTRIBUTES'
array('limit' => $limit),
return $result['Items'];
You can call this function like this. for example you have 'users' table and columns are usernames
and emails
$getobj = $this->scanAllData('users','10');
foreach($getobj as $cols){
echo $cols['usernames']['S'];
echo $cols['emails']['S'];