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unrecognized selector sent to instance at facebook login manager in facebook sdk 4.6 on iOS9

Hi I have just upgraded my app to iOS 9 and using Facebook's latest SDK (version 4.6) for facebook login.

I am using custom login button hence using the LoginManager class for the same. With the previous version it was working fine but now my app gets crashed whenever I press the login button saying "unrecognized selector sent to instance"

Below is the code I am using in my GameScene class to login.

var fbLogin = FBSDKLoginManager()
func onClickFBLogin(){
        let vc = self.view?.window?.rootViewController
        fbLogin.logInWithReadPermissions(["public_profile"] as [AnyObject], fromViewController: vc, handler: {(result:FBSDKLoginManagerLoginResult!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
            if(error != nil){
                print("Facebook login error \(error)")
            } else if(result.isCancelled){
                print("Facebook login cancelled")
            } else{
                print("facebook login successful")
                    print("facebook login successful")

The app is crashing with below log on Xcode.

[FBSDKLoginManager logInWithReadPermissions:fromViewController:handler:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f82e51251e0

Anyone facing the same issue? Or someone who can help me sort this issue?

Thanks in advance.


  • There was an issue in updating the Facebook SDK. It seems like Facebook has changed the way it used to install the SDK in Documents folder by giving a package file but now it gives an zip file which is not installable. Hence I just replaced the existing file in my ~\Documents\FacebookSDK folder. After that it looks like Xcode took some part of update code and some still remained same.

    I removed all the frameworks from my project and re-added the usual way we add a framework in Xcode. It is working fine now.

    Facebook should update its documentation on how to update to newer SDK.