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HID Smart Card Reader Linux Raspberry Pi

I am using raspberry Pi . I have installed libusb then PSCD lite after that i have installed drivers for HID Smart Card Reader 5021 CL i am getting this error. Any idea i think that error is due to the reason of some permissions as i am using the user pi and owners of these directory is root . I am new to linux and the directory and file is there on the path shown below

pi@raspberrypi ~/pcsc-tools $ sudo pcscd -f
00000000 dyn_unix.c:60:DYN_LoadLibrary() /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifdokccid_linux_i686-v4.1.8.bundle/Contents/Linux/ /usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifdokccid_linux_i686-v4.1.8.bundle/Contents/Linux/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
00001913 readerfactory.c:1019:RFInitializeReader() RFLoadReader failed: 0x80100014
00000172 readerfactory.c:335:RFAddReader() OMNIKEY CardMan (076B:5340) 5021 CL (OKCM0030812141011235703916649119) init failed.


  • Your drivers are for PC (architecture i686) you need drivers for ARM (probably armhf architecture).

    AFAIK drivers for ARM are not available from HID.