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Add a bought font file to my WebStorm project using SASS. Angular Project

I want to know what am i missing here? I have the following definition in my SASS file:

  font-family: "NHaasGroteskDSPro"
  src: url("fonts/NHaasGroteskDSPro-95Blk.otf") format("otf")
  font-family: "NHaasGroteskDSPro"
  font-weight: 800
  font-size: 30px

And the relevant HTML element is:

<h1 class="ir-page-header">some text</h1>

The developer tool shows that the element has the required class and its not override by other css styles. Sadly the font showed is not the font wanted.

here is a link to the font page on

I thought it will be easy to find the answer online but after spending 2 hours on a 10 min task i decided to post my question for future generations :-)


  • Well i changed the @font-face to be:

      font-family: "Neue Haas Grotesk"
      font-weight: 800
      font-style: normal
      src: url("fonts/NHaasGroteskDSPro-95Blk.otf") format("opentype")

    And it solved the problem.