Need advise how to get rid of the CR (carriage returns) when reading in as well as writing out a table in R.
For example, when opened my file in Notepad ++ I see "CRLF" in the end of each row:
ID_1 ID_2 age bmi A1 B2 'CRLF'
124 2532 40 33 0.444 0.333 'CRLF'
126 2103 41 38 0.422 0.137 'CRLF'
I wanted to get rid of the CR (LF is okay):
ID_1 ID_2 age bmi A1 B2 'LF'
124 2532 40 33 0.444 0.333 'LF'
126 2103 41 38 0.422 0.137 'LF'
In Windows which appears to be your OS, open the file in "binary" mode to circumvent the usual OS-dependent way of encoding end-of-line.
mydf <- data.frame(x=1:10, y=rnorm(10) )
dest <- file("out.csv", open="wb")
write.table(mydf, file=dest, quote=FALSE, sep=" ", eol="\n")