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jQuery-Like Way to Find / Select Array of React Elements

I created this little function to find children of a specific type.

I'd like to be able to select children via property like jQuery, [name="example"]. Is there any way to strip the string selector functionality from jQuery to create an object map to feed to something like lodash's _.find?

I realize this is a fake solution for selecting / finding / filtering an array but I think it can be really useful. I also know that it won't find deep children, it would just deal with direct root children.

Does this exist within react already?

function containsElement (element, children) {
  var result = []
  element = _.flatten([element])
  if (React.isValidElement(children) && !_.isArray(children)) {
    var contains = _.contains(element, children.type)
    if (contains) return children
    return false
  } else if (!React.isValidElement(children) && !_.isArray(children)) {
    return false
  children.forEach(function (child) {
    var isElm = React.isValidElement(child)
    var contains = _.contains(element, child.type)
    if (isElm && contains) {
  if (!result.length) return false
  return result


  • Here's a simple version of what I want that only supports element type.

    selectElements('div, span', this.props.children)

    Ideally I can do this and it would get all divs with the name prop set to hello.

    selectElements('div[name="hello"]', this.props.children)

    Here's full example, (jsbin).

    var selectElements = function (selectorString, reactElements) {
      var selectors = selectorString.split(',')
      selectors =, function (item) {
        return item.replace(/^\s+|\s$/, '')
      return _.filter(reactElements, function (reactElement) {
        return _.contains(selectors, reactElement.type)
    var OnlyElements = React.createClass({
      displayName: 'OnlyElements',
      getInitialState: function () {
        return {
          children: this.props.children
      componentWillMount: function () {
          children: selectElements(this.props.allow, this.props.children)
      render: function () {
        return (
    var Test = React.createClass({
      displayName: 'Test',
      render: function () {
        return (
          <OnlyElements allow='div'>
    React.render(<Test/>, document.body)