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ANOVA syntax in RPy2

First time using the RPy2 implementation in Python. Attempting to do an one-way ANOVA with two factors. It works in R on another machine, but Python does not like the syntax. Any thoughts are appreciated!

from rpy2.robjects import aov

huanova = aov(formula = df1['human_den'] ~ df1['region']+df1['years'])

Error message points at the tilda.

huanova = aov(formula=df1['human_den'] ~ df1['region']+df1['years'])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


  • Tilde ~ is Unary in python, but you are using it as Binary. You may want:

     huanova = aov(formula = df1['human_den'] + ~ df1['region']+df1['years'])

    Notice that I've added a PLUS before Tilde.