The data is present at the very bottom of the page and is called LDA.scores'. This is a classification task where I performed three supervised machine learning classification techniques on the data-set. All coding is supplied to show how these ROC curves were produced. I apologise for asking a loaded question but I have been trying to solve these issues using different combinations of code for almost two weeks, so if anyone can help me, then thank you. The main issue is the Naive Bayes curve shows a perfect score of 1, which is obviously wrong, and I cannot solve how to incorporate the linear discriminant analysis curve into a single ROC plot for comparison with the coding supplied.
#Perform LDA
Family.lda<-lda(response~predictors, CV=TRUE)
predict.Family <-predict(Family.lda)
tab <- table(response, Family.lda$class)
conCV1 <- rbind(tab[1, ]/sum(tab[1, ]), tab[2, ]/sum(tab[2, ]))
dimnames(conCV1) <- list(Actual = c("No", "Yes"), "Predicted (cv)"= c("No", "Yes"))
print(round(conCV1, 3))
windows(width=10, height=7)
densityplot(~predict.Family$x, groups=LDA.scores$Family)
confusion <- function(actual, predicted, names = NULL, printit = TRUE, prior = NULL) {
if (is.null(names))
names <- levels(actual)
tab <- table(actual, predicted)
acctab <- t(apply(tab, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
dimnames(acctab) <- list(Actual = names, "Predicted (cv)" = names)
if (is.null(prior)) {
relnum <- table(actual)
prior <- relnum/sum(relnum)
acc <- sum(tab[row(tab) == col(tab)])/sum(tab)
else {
acc <- sum(prior * diag(acctab))
names(prior) <- names
if (printit)
print(round(c("Overall accuracy" = acc, "Prior frequency" = prior),
+ 4))
if (printit) {
cat("\nConfusion matrix", "\n")
print(round(acctab, 4))
prior <- c(0.7, 0.3)
lda.70.30 <- lda(response~predictors, CV=TRUE, prior=prior)
confusion(response, lda.70.30$class, prior = c(0.7, 0.3))
truepos <- numeric(19)
falsepos <- numeric(19)
p1 <- (1:19)/20
for (i in 1:19) {
p <- p1[i]
Family.ROC <- lda(response~predictors, CV = TRUE, prior = c(p, 1 - p))
confmat <- confusion(LDA.scores$Family, Family.ROC$class, printit = FALSE)
falsepos[i] <- confmat[1, 2]
truepos[i] <- confmat[2, 2]
windows(width=10, height=7)
LDA.ROC<-plot(truepos~falsepos, type = "l", lwd=2,
xlab = "False positive rate (Specificity)",
ylab = "True positive rate (Sensitivity)" col ="green")
abline(a=0,b=1, col="red")
trainindex.LDA=sample(index, trunc(length(index)*0.70), replace=FALSE)
#Grow Tree the tree with the 70 % training set
tree.split3<-rpart(Family~., data=LDA.70.trainset3, method="class")
res4$actual2 = NA
res4$actual2[res4$actual=="G8"]= 1
res4$actual2[res4$actual=="V4"]= 0
roc_pred <- prediction(re4$Predicted.prob, res4$actual2)
perf <- performance(roc_pred, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(perf, col="blue", lwd=2)
Figure 2
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(LDA.scores$Family, p=0.70, list=FALSE)
nbmodel<-NaiveBayes(Family~., data=sig.train)
prediction<-predict(nbmodel, sig.test[2:13])
colnames(NB)<-c("Family", "Actual", "Predicted")
NB$actual2 = NA
windows(width=10, height=7)
roc_pred.NB<- prediction(NB2$Predicted, NB2$actual2)
perf.NB <- performance(roc_pred.NB, "tpr", "fpr")
plot(perf.NB, col="orange", lwd=2)
windows(width=10, height=7)
plot(fit.perf, col="blue", lwd=2); #CT
plot(LDA.ROC, col="green", lwd=2, add=T); #LDA
plot(perf.NB,lwd=2,col="orange", lwd=2, add=T);NB
abline(0,1,col="red", lwd=2)
Warning in min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Warning in max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Warning in min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Warning in max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Warning in plot.window(...) : "add" is not a graphical parameter
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
plot(fit.NB,lwd=2,col="orange", lwd=2, add=T); #NB
Error in plot(fit.NB, lwd = 2, col = "orange", lwd = 2, add = T) :
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function
Warning in plot.window(...) : "add" is not a graphical parameter
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
auc2<-performance(fit.NB, "auc")#NB
legend(c('fit.pred',fit.NB','LDA.ROC'), col=c('blue',orange','green'),lwd=3)
Family Swimming Not.Swimming Running Not.Running
1 v4 -0.48055680 -0.086292700 -0.157157188 -0.438809944
2 v4 0.12600625 -0.074481895 0.057316151 -0.539013927
3 v4 0.06823834 -0.056765686 0.064711783 -0.539013927
4 v4 0.67480139 -0.050860283 0.153459372 -0.539013927
5 v4 0.64591744 -0.050860283 0.072107416 -0.472211271
6 v4 0.21265812 -0.068576492 0.057316151 -0.071395338
7 v4 -0.01841352 -0.068576492 -0.053618335 -0.071395338
8 v4 0.12600625 0.055436970 0.012942357 0.296019267
9 v4 -0.22060120 0.114491000 -0.038827070 0.563229889
10 v4 0.27042603 -0.021333268 0.049920519 -0.037994010
11 v4 0.03935439 -0.044954880 0.012942357 0.195815284
12 v4 -0.45167284 0.008193747 -0.075805232 -0.171599321
13 v4 -0.04729748 -0.056765686 0.035129254 -0.305204632
14 v4 -0.10506539 0.008193747 -0.046222702 0.062209973
15 v4 0.09712230 0.037720761 0.109085578 -0.104796666
16 v4 -0.07618143 0.014099150 -0.038827070 0.095611301
17 v4 0.29930998 0.108585597 0.057316151 0.028808645
18 v4 0.01047043 -0.074481895 0.020337989 -0.071395338
19 v4 -0.24948516 0.002288344 0.035129254 0.329420595
20 v4 -0.04729748 0.049531567 0.057316151 0.296019267
21 v4 -0.01841352 0.043626164 0.005546724 -0.171599321
22 v4 -0.19171725 0.049531567 -0.016640173 -0.071395338
23 v4 -0.48055680 0.020004552 -0.142365923 0.596631217
24 v4 0.01047043 0.008193747 0.220020063 0.062209973
25 v4 -0.42278889 0.025909955 -0.149761556 0.028808645
26 v4 -0.45167284 0.031815358 -0.134970291 -0.138197994
27 v4 -0.30725307 0.049531567 0.042524886 0.095611301
28 v4 0.24154207 -0.039049477 0.072107416 -0.104796666
29 v4 1.45466817 -0.003617059 0.064711783 0.296019267
30 v4 -0.01841352 0.002288344 0.020337989 0.028808645
31 G8 0.38596185 0.084963985 0.049920519 -0.037994010
32 G8 0.15489021 -0.080387298 0.020337989 -0.338605960
33 G8 -0.04729748 0.067247776 0.138668107 0.129012629
34 G8 0.27042603 0.031815358 0.049920519 0.195815284
35 G8 -0.07618143 0.037720761 0.020337989 -0.037994010
36 G8 -0.10506539 0.025909955 -0.083200864 0.396223251
37 G8 -0.01841352 0.126301805 -0.024035805 0.362821923
38 G8 0.01047043 0.031815358 -0.016640173 -0.138197994
39 G8 0.06823834 0.037720761 -0.038827070 0.262617940
40 G8 -0.16283329 -0.050860283 -0.038827070 -0.405408616
41 G8 -0.01841352 -0.039049477 0.005546724 -0.205000649
42 G8 -0.39390493 -0.003617059 -0.090596497 0.129012629
43 G8 -0.04729748 0.008193747 -0.009244540 0.195815284
44 G8 0.01047043 -0.039049477 -0.016640173 -0.205000649
45 G8 0.01047043 -0.003617059 -0.075805232 -0.004592683
46 G8 0.06823834 0.008193747 -0.090596497 -0.205000649
47 G8 -0.04729748 0.014099150 0.012942357 -0.071395338
48 G8 -0.22060120 -0.015427865 -0.075805232 -0.171599321
49 G8 -0.16283329 0.020004552 -0.061013967 -0.104796666
50 G8 -0.07618143 0.031815358 -0.038827070 -0.138197994
51 G8 -0.22060120 0.020004552 -0.112783394 -0.104796666
52 G8 -0.19171725 -0.033144074 -0.068409599 -0.071395338
53 G8 -0.16283329 -0.039049477 -0.090596497 -0.104796666
54 G8 -0.22060120 -0.009522462 -0.053618335 -0.037994010
55 G8 -0.13394934 -0.003617059 -0.075805232 -0.004592683
56 G8 -0.27836911 -0.044954880 -0.090596497 -0.238401977
57 G8 -0.04729748 -0.050860283 0.064711783 0.028808645
58 G8 0.01047043 -0.044954880 0.012942357 -0.305204632
59 G8 0.12600625 -0.068576492 0.042524886 -0.305204632
60 G8 0.06823834 -0.033144074 -0.061013967 -0.271803305
61 G8 0.06823834 -0.027238671 -0.061013967 -0.037994010
62 G8 0.32819394 -0.068576492 0.064711783 -0.372007288
63 G8 0.32819394 0.014099150 0.175646269 0.095611301
64 G8 -0.27836911 0.002288344 -0.068409599 0.195815284
65 G8 0.18377416 0.025909955 0.027733621 0.162413956
66 G8 0.55926557 -0.009522462 0.042524886 0.229216612
67 G8 -0.19171725 -0.009522462 -0.038827070 0.229216612
68 G8 -0.19171725 0.025909955 -0.009244540 0.396223251
69 G8 0.01047043 0.155828820 0.027733621 0.630032545
70 G8 -0.19171725 0.002288344 -0.031431438 0.463025906
71 G8 -0.01841352 -0.044954880 -0.046222702 0.496427234
72 G8 -0.07618143 -0.015427865 -0.031431438 0.062209973
73 G8 -0.13394934 0.008193747 -0.068409599 -0.071395338
74 G8 -0.39390493 0.037720761 -0.120179026 0.229216612
75 G8 -0.04729748 0.008193747 0.035129254 -0.071395338
76 G8 -0.27836911 -0.015427865 -0.061013967 -0.071395338
77 G8 0.70368535 -0.056765686 0.397515240 -0.205000649
78 G8 0.29930998 0.079058582 0.138668107 0.229216612
79 G8 -0.13394934 -0.056765686 0.020337989 -0.305204632
80 G8 0.21265812 0.025909955 0.035129254 0.396223251
Family Fighting Not.Fighting Resting Not.Resting
1 v4 -0.67708172 -0.097624192 0.01081204879 -0.770462870
2 v4 -0.58224128 -0.160103675 -0.03398160805 0.773856776
3 v4 -0.11436177 -0.092996082 0.05710879700 -2.593072768
4 v4 -0.34830152 -0.234153433 -0.04063432116 -2.837675606
5 v4 -0.84568695 -0.136963126 -0.13084281035 -1.680828329
6 v4 -0.32933343 -0.157789620 -0.02997847693 -0.947623773
7 v4 0.35984044 -0.157789620 0.12732080268 -0.947623773
8 v4 -0.32511830 -0.023574435 -0.10281705810 -2.607366431
9 v4 1.51478626 0.001880170 0.08155320398 -0.637055341
10 v4 0.11114773 -0.224897213 -0.17932134171 -1.818396455
11 v4 0.27975296 -0.109194467 -0.14338902206 2.170944974
12 v4 -0.89626852 -0.069855533 -0.02058415581 -0.658126752
13 v4 0.12379312 -0.123078796 -0.11528274705 -0.808243774
14 v4 0.66965255 -0.111508522 -0.11764091337 2.377766908
15 v4 1.56536783 -0.143905291 0.04389156236 2.111220276
16 v4 0.56427428 -0.099938247 0.01399844913 -0.322326312
17 v4 -0.71291033 -0.118450687 -0.05755560242 2.218858946
18 v4 -0.75927677 1.519900201 0.04711630687 3.920878638
19 v4 -0.75295407 0.177748344 0.01584280360 -0.304945754
20 v4 -1.00164679 0.108326696 0.09348590900 1.038591535
21 v4 -1.03958296 0.652129604 0.09677967302 1.752268128
22 v4 0.82139726 0.638245274 0.02053612974 0.907465624
23 v4 -1.07541157 -0.072169588 -0.03608286844 1.137774798
24 v4 -1.03115270 0.087500202 0.07805238146 -3.663486997
25 v4 -0.98900139 -0.180930170 -0.00009686695 2.350924346
26 v4 -1.06908888 -0.146219346 -0.02285413055 0.067293462
27 v4 -1.20186549 -0.049029039 -0.00424187149 -1.898454393
28 v4 0.58324237 -0.125392851 0.01446241356 -2.497647463
29 v4 -0.97003330 -0.134649071 0.03187450017 -4.471716512
30 v4 0.22917139 -0.060599313 0.11323315542 -1.465081244
31 G8 0.41042201 -0.086053918 -0.01171898422 -0.232806371
32 G8 -1.11545531 -0.197128554 -0.06499053655 -3.043893581
33 G8 -0.19023412 -0.083739863 -0.07758659568 -2.323908986
34 G8 0.25446217 -0.092996082 -0.07399758157 1.437404886
35 G8 -0.05324237 0.844196163 -0.11503350996 1.079056696
36 G8 0.09007207 0.055103433 0.02167111711 1.110865131
37 G8 1.21129685 1.971140911 0.01904454162 1.404724068
38 G8 0.62539368 -0.111508522 0.05768779393 -1.706664294
39 G8 1.32932051 -0.224897213 0.05555202379 0.736746935
40 G8 0.40199175 -0.187872334 -0.01031175326 -0.005516985
41 G8 0.44625062 -0.160103675 -0.00458313459 1.727170333
42 G8 0.60221046 -0.194814499 0.17430774591 1.685228831
43 G8 0.33665722 -0.053657149 0.00481502094 1.836016918
44 G8 -0.63493041 -0.206384774 -0.00928412956 0.466173920
45 G8 -0.28296700 0.108326696 0.09047589183 1.697173771
46 G8 -0.32722587 -0.164731785 0.08917985896 1.057314221
47 G8 -0.11646933 0.187004564 -0.05671203072 0.933704227
48 G8 -0.10171637 0.025020719 -0.05333390954 0.482480775
49 G8 0.13643851 0.057417488 0.08541446168 0.680713089
50 G8 -0.57802615 0.434608441 0.10140397965 0.090780703
51 G8 0.05002833 0.057417488 -0.02509342995 0.680713089
52 G8 -0.16072820 0.073615872 -0.03698779080 -0.982921741
53 G8 -0.29139726 -0.035144709 0.04609635201 -2.281900378
54 G8 0.13222338 -0.051343094 0.06524159499 0.972089090
55 G8 -0.41152848 -0.134649071 0.08459773090 0.027767791
56 G8 0.68229794 -0.185558279 -0.03239032508 -0.162881500
57 G8 -0.24292325 0.013450444 -0.03208740616 -0.530221948
58 G8 -0.11646933 -0.134649071 0.06264952925 -0.385741863
59 G8 -0.21341734 -0.215640993 0.05241547086 -0.972251823
60 G8 -0.24292325 -0.185558279 -0.03437271856 0.002267358
61 G8 -0.24292325 -0.005061995 -0.03437271856 -1.134447998
62 G8 0.09007207 -0.238781543 -0.06747523863 0.626424009
63 G8 -0.34197883 -0.099938247 -0.01270059491 -0.722750217
64 G8 -0.30825778 -0.167045840 0.10014629095 -0.382722075
65 G8 -0.08696342 -0.208698829 -0.02872845706 -0.356550578
66 G8 -0.81196590 0.048161268 -0.00950652573 -1.851614124
67 G8 0.49683219 0.048161268 0.04867308008 -1.851614124
68 G8 -0.13754498 -0.037458764 0.02486518629 1.731465143
69 G8 -0.48318570 0.161549960 -0.05951115497 0.254319006
70 G8 0.39988418 0.031962884 -0.02353665674 2.043778341
71 G8 0.90148474 -0.102252302 -0.01967923345 -0.289913920
72 G8 0.28396809 -0.123078796 -0.10148651548 1.386940871
73 G8 1.05322945 -0.139277181 -0.00480936518 0.054207713
74 G8 1.24923303 -0.208698829 -0.00098261723 0.594212936
75 G8 0.47154141 -0.118450687 -0.13970798195 1.551821303
76 G8 1.27873894 -0.072169588 -0.00286148145 3.100704184
77 G8 0.05002833 -0.044400929 -0.05492902692 0.327263666
78 G8 1.54218461 -0.030516599 0.10732815358 -1.055195336
79 G8 0.74763247 -0.132335016 0.11660744219 -1.134447998
80 G8 0.11747042 -0.037458764 -0.02016620439 1.730726972
Family Fighting Hunting Not.Hunting Grooming
1 v4 -0.67708172 0.114961983 0.2644238 0.105443109
2 v4 -0.58224128 0.556326739 -1.9467488 -0.249016133
3 v4 -0.11436177 0.326951992 2.1597867 -0.563247851
4 v4 -0.34830152 0.795734469 2.1698228 -0.611969290
5 v4 -0.84568695 0.770046573 0.2554708 -0.230476117
6 v4 -0.32933343 0.736574466 0.1225477 -0.270401826
7 v4 0.35984044 0.215724268 0.1225477 1.057451389
8 v4 -0.32511830 -0.200731013 0.2593696 -0.260830004
9 v4 1.51478626 -2.160535836 0.8687508 1.030589923
10 v4 0.11114773 0.660462182 1.7955299 -0.809959417
11 v4 0.27975296 -0.293709087 -0.8377330 -0.292132450
12 v4 -0.89626852 0.565754284 1.3339454 -0.573854465
13 v4 0.12379312 -0.499644710 -0.5100101 -0.372285683
14 v4 0.66965255 0.080624964 -2.6852985 -0.470590886
15 v4 1.56536783 -4.076143639 -0.8432925 1.657328707
16 v4 0.56427428 -0.127040484 -0.8662526 -0.161145079
17 v4 -0.71291033 0.661240603 -2.1990933 -0.381900622
18 v4 -0.75927677 0.294950237 -3.5062302 -0.121909231
19 v4 -0.75295407 0.548369546 -1.3326746 -0.338568723
20 v4 -1.00164679 0.137622686 -1.7580862 -0.312742050
21 v4 -1.03958296 0.019302681 -2.2730277 0.708985315
22 v4 0.82139726 -0.043057497 -3.1829838 -0.378408200
23 v4 -1.07541157 0.351515502 -0.3762928 -0.304161903
24 v4 -1.03115270 -0.007163636 1.3605877 -0.431053223
25 v4 -0.98900139 0.253780410 -1.1388134 -0.554883286
26 v4 -1.06908888 0.700680605 0.6629041 0.113074697
27 v4 -1.20186549 0.340704098 0.9979915 -0.693545361
28 v4 0.58324237 -1.727041782 1.5589254 0.180163686
29 v4 -0.97003330 0.209410408 1.7613786 -0.258156792
30 v4 0.22917139 -2.441026901 1.3929340 0.276959818
31 G8 0.41042201 0.383257784 -0.5374467 0.165978418
32 G8 -1.11545531 -1.098682982 2.9654839 0.148947473
33 G8 -0.19023412 0.873144122 2.5120581 -0.846910101
34 G8 0.25446217 0.968889915 -0.4130434 -0.938661624
35 G8 -0.05324237 0.936455703 -2.5993065 -0.949914982
36 G8 0.09007207 -0.467815937 -1.0766479 1.474170593
37 G8 1.21129685 -1.239490708 -4.1335895 1.357023559
38 G8 0.62539368 0.177235670 2.4989896 1.393241265
39 G8 1.32932051 -4.736158229 -0.5718146 2.467225606
40 G8 0.40199175 0.342693397 0.5675981 0.648320657
41 G8 0.44625062 0.488950070 -1.6998195 0.709588943
42 G8 0.60221046 -0.415575233 -1.4313741 0.728473890
43 G8 0.33665722 0.353937257 -2.2985148 0.379706002
44 G8 -0.63493041 0.262083568 0.2245685 -0.367629121
45 G8 -0.28296700 0.574316915 -1.0020637 0.280710938
46 G8 -0.32722587 0.323665326 -1.1559252 0.119455912
47 G8 -0.11646933 0.786566398 0.1746772 -0.858206576
48 G8 -0.10171637 0.718065343 -0.2673407 -0.552555005
49 G8 0.13643851 0.584868846 -0.1203383 -0.335378116
50 G8 -0.57802615 -0.053955393 0.6359729 0.057885811
51 G8 0.05002833 0.738563765 -0.1203383 -0.188308359
52 G8 -0.16072820 0.778263240 2.1906890 -0.545138998
53 G8 -0.29139726 0.751018502 1.6039070 0.198100074
54 G8 0.13222338 0.297804447 -0.5217068 -0.514310832
55 G8 -0.41152848 0.102161281 0.3866610 -0.036323341
56 G8 0.68229794 0.371667959 1.6179863 -0.176365139
57 G8 -0.24292325 0.631574111 1.4206594 -0.269668849
58 G8 -0.11646933 -0.004568899 1.6827511 0.003731717
59 G8 -0.21341734 0.214080935 1.0590019 0.036586351
60 G8 -0.24292325 0.796339908 1.2727184 -0.615289246
61 G8 -0.24292325 0.796339908 2.6745838 -0.615289246
62 G8 0.09007207 -0.396720145 0.2644238 0.290800156
63 G8 -0.34197883 0.441985331 1.4545220 -0.520648930
64 G8 -0.30825778 -2.489721464 1.3587105 1.711267220
65 G8 -0.08696342 0.407907785 0.8136610 -0.273333736
66 G8 -0.81196590 0.554423932 1.3666527 -0.594420949
67 G8 0.49683219 0.697912886 1.3666527 -0.446661330
68 G8 -0.13754498 0.491198842 -1.3307974 -0.333825929
69 G8 -0.48318570 0.604848320 -0.1305910 -0.601492025
70 G8 0.39988418 0.773938679 -0.5078441 -0.712559657
71 G8 0.90148474 0.734412186 -0.1166561 -0.548803885
72 G8 0.28396809 1.145505011 -1.3062489 -0.921846260
73 G8 1.05322945 0.616784110 0.9039851 -0.165629176
74 G8 1.24923303 0.329287256 0.3647117 0.111867440
75 G8 0.47154141 -0.016764163 -1.1586689 -0.476713403
76 G8 1.27873894 0.007799347 -3.0386529 0.215087903
77 G8 0.05002833 0.209496900 -1.5080522 0.324560232
78 G8 1.54218461 -5.031179821 1.6811626 2.366893936
79 G8 0.74763247 -0.325105405 1.6851337 1.351590903
80 G8 0.11747042 -0.756350687 -1.3315194 0.375911766
Family Not.Grooming
1 v4 0.019502286
2 v4 -0.290451956
3 v4 0.359948884
4 v4 0.557840914
5 v4 0.117453376
6 v4 0.126645924
7 v4 0.126645924
8 v4 0.196486873
9 v4 0.152780228
10 v4 0.354469789
11 v4 -0.261430968
12 v4 0.176448238
13 v4 -0.007374708
14 v4 -0.557848621
15 v4 -0.213674557
16 v4 -0.005819262
17 v4 -0.470070992
18 v4 -0.786078864
19 v4 0.006063789
20 v4 -0.271842650
21 v4 -0.349418792
22 v4 -0.338096262
23 v4 -0.165119403
24 v4 0.346566439
25 v4 -0.344191931
26 v4 0.074321265
27 v4 0.179825379
28 v4 0.278407054
29 v4 0.593125727
30 v4 0.199177375
31 G8 -0.058900625
32 G8 0.633875622
33 G8 0.428150308
34 G8 -0.206023441
35 G8 -0.436958199
36 G8 -0.291839246
37 G8 -0.907641911
38 G8 0.448567295
39 G8 -0.127186127
40 G8 0.024715134
41 G8 -0.416345030
42 G8 -0.330697382
43 G8 -0.469720666
44 G8 -0.047494017
45 G8 -0.301732446
46 G8 -0.138901021
47 G8 0.098101379
48 G8 -0.002063769
49 G8 -0.028324190
50 G8 0.071630763
51 G8 -0.028324190
52 G8 0.295110588
53 G8 0.347112947
54 G8 -0.083577573
55 G8 -0.036886152
56 G8 0.189045953
57 G8 0.467596992
58 G8 0.303378276
59 G8 0.218879697
60 G8 0.092005711
61 G8 0.270111340
62 G8 -0.012909856
63 G8 0.262292068
64 G8 0.107125772
65 G8 0.123422927
66 G8 0.299426602
67 G8 0.299426602
68 G8 -0.326871824
69 G8 -0.022088391
70 G8 -0.428508341
71 G8 -0.014675497
72 G8 -0.114462294
73 G8 0.087227267
74 G8 -0.031519161
75 G8 -0.159318008
76 G8 -0.397875854
77 G8 0.101520559
78 G8 0.244481505
79 G8 0.529968994
80 G8 -0.326619590
First of all, one of the most important issues regarding subsetting your data into training and testing subsets is prior to subsetting, the data have to be randomized otherwise you will have unequal division of your categories in the training and testing data subsets.
Some notes on the code below. I have used the caret
package for simplicity for the model fitting methods.
mydat <- read.table("~/Desktop/family.txt", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors= FALSE)
mydat$Family <- factor(mydat$Family, levels = c("v4", "G8"))
# Randomly permute the data before subsetting
mydat_idx <- sample(1:nrow(mydat), replace = FALSE)
mydat <- mydat[mydat_idx, ]
mydat_resampled_idx <- createDataPartition(mydat_idx, times = 1, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
mydat_resampled <- mydat[mydat_resampled_idx, ] # Training portion of the data
Linear discriminant analysis
lda_mod <-train(x = mydat_resampled[, 2:9], y = as.factor(mydat_resampled[, 1]),
method = "lda", trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE))
# Generate model predictions
lda_pred <- predict(lda_mod, newdata = mydat[ , 2:9], type = "prob")
# Store the predictions with the data set
mydat['lda_pred'] <- lda_pred["G8"] # Here we only want the probability associated
# with the class (Y = 1), or in this case, G8
Naive Bayes
nb_tune <- data.frame(usekernel =TRUE, fL = 0)
nb_mod <- train(x = mydat_resampled[, 2:9], y = as.factor(mydat_resampled[, 1]),
method = "nb", trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE), tuneGrid = nb_tune)
# Model predictions
nb_pred <- predict(nb_mod, newdata = mydat[ , 2:9], type = "prob")
mydat['nb_pred'] <- nb_pred["G8"]
Classification tree
ct_mod <- train(x = mydat_resampled[, 2:9], y = as.factor(mydat_resampled[, 1]),
method = "rpart", trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = TRUE))
ct_pred <- predict(ct_mod, newdata = mydat[ , 2:9], type = "prob")
mydat['ct_pred'] <- ct_pred["G8"]
ROC curves on the training and testing portions of the data
EDIT: Changed the calculation and plots of AUC curves to use the pROC package
mydat$binary_response <- as.numeric(mydat$Family) - 1 # convert factor to 0, 1 with G8 = 1
lda_train_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ lda_pred, data = mydat[mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
nb_train_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ nb_pred, data = mydat[mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
ct_train_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ ct_pred, data = mydat[mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
lda_test_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ lda_pred, data = mydat[-mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
nb_test_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ nb_pred, data = mydat[-mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
ct_test_roc <- roc(binary_response ~ ct_pred, data = mydat[-mydat_resampled_idx, ], ci = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(lda_train_roc, las = 1, main = "Training data")
plot(nb_train_roc, add = TRUE, col = "red")
plot(ct_train_roc, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
legend(0.4, 0.4, legend = c("lda", "nb", "ct"), lty = c(1,1,1), col = c("black", "red", "blue"))
plot(lda_test_roc, las = 1, main = "Testing data")
plot(nb_test_roc, add = TRUE, col = "red")
plot(ct_test_roc, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
legend(0.4, 0.4, legend = c("lda", "nb", "ct"), lty = c(1,1,1), col = c("black", "red", "blue"))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# AUC with 95% CL
lda_train_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.8353741 0.7235472 0.9472011
nb_train_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.9714286 [0.9303684, 1.0000000]
ct_train_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.7619048 [0.6524637, 0.8713458]
lda_test_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.6148148 [0.3555396, 0.8740900]
nb_test_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.7407407 [0.5345984, 0.9468831]
ct_test_roc$ci[c(2, 1, 3)] # 0.6000000 [0.4139795, 0.7860205]