Im currently using an SBT plugin that runs as part of the compile
task but wish to amend it. Have contacted author but no responses.
Can anyone give me a high-level overview of steps to import the functionality into my project so I can customise it? Its a single Object.
If the object is 'hooking' into compile
task then I assume it should still extend plugin
Currently, I have a compile error on import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
object Keys is not a member of package set.
Do I need SBT jar as an unmanaged dependency of my project? contains sbt.version=0.13.5
BTW - I shall be keeping original authors details in the code to attribute the code to them.
I am using sbt-cxf-wsdl2java plugin.
I mainly wish to upgrade the version of CXF being used by the plugin, since this is hardcoded not the plugin object code.
I could fork it, change code, create new plugin and push to a repo to then declare in my project but this seems a lot of effort for a relatively small change - hence my wish to 'embed' the plugin code in my application.
I guess I need to read the docs and figure out how plugins work in order to understand this - but if anyone can give me a few pointers to save me time then I would really appreciate it.
build.sbt (with the relevant plugin bits):
lazy val wsPackage = "com.myCompany"
seq(cxf.settings :_*)
cxf.wsdls := Seq(
cxf.Wsdl((resourceDirectory in Compile).value / "My.wsdl", Seq("-p", wsPackage), "modelOutputDir")
addSbtPlugin("com.ebiznext.sbt.plugins" % "sbt-cxf-wsdl2java" % "0.1.4")
In build.sbt
, you can override configuration keys (which are located in com.ebiznext.sbt.plugins.CxfWsdl2JavaPlugin.Keys
). For example:
lazy val wsPackage = "com.myCompany"
Seq(cxf.settings :_*)
cxf.cxfVersion := "3.1.2" // override CXF version
cxf.wsdls := Seq(
cxf.Wsdl((resourceDirectory in Compile).value / "My.wsdl", Seq("-p", wsPackage, "-impl", "-mark-generated"), "unique wsdl id")