I have a service like this:
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('bookmarkService', bookmarkService);
function bookmarkService($http){
var url = 'api/bookmark';
bookmarkService.update = function(bookmark){
return $http.put(url + '/' + bookmark.id, bookmark);
return bookmarkService;
And I'd like to intercept the request on method PUT to send the payload without ID attribute, because I already have the attribute on URL.
I created these function:
function httpInterceptor($q) {
return {
request : function(config) {
if(config.method === 'PUT'){
delete config.data.id;
return config || $q.when(config);
The problem is that the id attribute is being deleted on the screen ( form). Suppose the situation where a user wants to stay forever altering the data of the same record several times.
Make a copy of the config data instead of changing the original object.
function httpInterceptor($q) {
return {
request : function(config) {
config = angular.copy(config);
if(config.method === 'PUT'){
delete config.data.id;
return config || $q.when(config);