In my C# code, I have a long
variable like
public long ID { get; set; }
Now when ServiceStack returns it to Web browser, it is serialized as
{ "id" : 97786707294275442 }
This is wrong because long
has a range of 2^63 in C#
But in Javascript, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 2^53-1, which is 9007199254740991
Because 97786707294275442 is greater than 9007199254740991, the number is rounded in JS.
Is it possible to let ServiceStack serialize long
to string
when its value is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER?
JsConfig<long>.RawSerializeFn = (long num) =>
if (num > 9007199254740991L || num < -9007199254740991L)
return string.Format("\"{0}\"", num);
return num.ToString();
Is it the best way?