I would like to have a select2 dropdown of tags, where i could select multiple existing tags and add new ones.
I have tried many different ways and i either don't get select2 box working or only one value is passed (last one).
This is closest i got (passes last value):
<%= f.input :tag_list, collection: @model.tags.map { |t| t.name }, input_html: { :style=> 'width: 300px', class: "taggable", data: { placeholder: "Tags" }} %>
As I mentioned before, normal select2 library now uses only select input types, but it does work with input types when using select2-full library.
So, this was a way out of one problem.
Still I had problems with only passing one single value. I was actually copy/pasting code from one of the examples and it was wrong. It was stated that strong parameters should include :tag_list, which is obvious, but it is actually {tag_list[]} that was needed in order to accept all the values.
Works like a charm now.