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How to continue test execution after assertion failed?

I know that this question is duplicate one. But I am searching for the result from yesterday. I didn't got any solution for that.. I am using Selenium Webdriver 2.47.1 & TestNG for automation. In my automation script I have 12 set of tests & I am using TestNG Assert method to compare Expected Result & Actual Result. My code format is given below...

@Test(priority = 6)
public void TestingeNote1() {
   cd.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
   String TesteNote1 = cd.findElement(By.xpath("//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[5]")).getText();
   StringBuffer object1 = new StringBuffer(TesteNote1);
   String ActeNote1 = object1.substring(108);
   String ExpeNote1 = ex.getExcelValue(scenarioName, 75, 4);
   try {
       Assert.assertEquals(ExpeNote1, ActeNote1);
       ex.setExcelValue(scenarioName, 75, 8, "PASSED");
   catch(Exception e) {
         ex.setExcelValue(scenarioName, 75, 8, "FAILED");

Execution of test script stops once assertion got failed. I want to continue the execution after assertion fail also. I have used Verify() also, It just gives the verify result as passed. But the above test result is Failed one.


  • I'd recommend using a try/finally block.

    . . .

        try {
         //use IF condition to match Strings (ExpeNote1, ActeNote1)are equal 
         ex.setExcelValue(scenarioName, 75, 8, "PASSED");
         catch(Exception e)
         {  ex.setExcelValue(scenarioName, 75, 8, "FAILED");}
         finally {  cd.switchTo().defaultContent();}