I want to use a custom font on Windows 8.1 universal app.
I search a little to understand how can I do that. I do that in this way:
1) import ttf font to my app.
2) set build action to Content.
3) use that in my control: FontFamily="/Fonts/meteocons.ttf#Meteocons"
But this is not work for me!
Is it possible to help me?
Valid schema for FontFamily looks like:
FONT_NAME is real name of font (you can find it, in font previewer)
Check if you have a valid path and name(maybe you have some unnecessary slashes or not full path), because it should works, and it works very well for me.
<TextBlock Text="CustomFontem" FontFamily="Assets/Garfield.ttf#Garfield Hates Mondays Loves Fonts" FontSize="64"/>
You can also change font file Copy To Output Directory option to Copy always.