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Factoring fractions in sympy

How do I ask sympy to factor x**2 - 3/2*x + 1/2 into (x-1)*(x-1/2)? The closest I've gotten is:

>>> (x**2  - Rational(3/2)*x + Rational(1/2)).factor()
(x - 1)*(2*x - 1)/2


  • A simple way:

    In [1]: expr = (x**2  - Rational(3/2)*x + Rational(1/2))
    In [2]: expr
     2   3*x   1
    x  - --- + -
          2    2
    In [3]: fe = factor(expr)
    In [4]: fe
    (x - 1)*(2*x - 1)
    In [5]: fe.args
    Out[5]: (1/2, x - 1, 2*x - 1)
    In [6]: fe.args[0]*fe.args[2]*fe.args[1]
    Out[6]: (x - 1)*(x - 1/2)

    That is, you factor the expression [3], then get the product arguments [5], and multiply them [6]. The multiplication in step [6] calls some evaluation routines which slightly simplify the expression, but not to the point of expanding it.