I am wanting to rsync files from my home computer to a cloud server. I am able to set up my continuous rsync with the following:
while :
rsync -rav * --include=*.bz2 --exclude=*.* --exclude=ZIP.sh --exclude=UPLOAD.sh
--chmod=a+rwx user@server.com:/home/user/date
sleep 180
This of course will run continuously if i set up a keygen as here states. I want to run the rsync continuously with me entering the password the first time and after that it will continuously run until I push CTRL+C. Is there a way to do this?
Yes, using SSH connection sharing:
Add this top your ~/.ssh/config
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath /tmp/ssh_%r@%n:%p
ControlPersist 8h
Connection sharing means that all your SSH connections to the same server will share the same connection. This means you can skip the authentication process for all but the first connection. The ControlPersist
setting controls how long the connection will idle for before being closed (8 hours means I can login in the morning, and the connection will still be active at the end of the day, but will have expired before the next day).
The ControlPath
specifies where the cached sockets will live. It can be anywhere you like, and they can be called anything you like, but the /tmp
directory will do fine, and the name must be unique to each user, server, and port you wish to use, or else you'll get clashes.
Incidentally, you should probably check out the lsyncd
tool as an alternative to continuous active scanning. It uses kernel notifications to watch the file-system, and launches rsync only when something actually changes.