I am trying to understand SOLID principles. I think I understand well the Liskov Substitution Principle, but I have some problems for other ones.
One example. I have two interfaces : Engine
and car stereo
The problem is : For a car, we have 6 glasses.
So, my car implements interfaces Engine
and Car Stereo
But for the 6 glasses, should I implement them, or should I put them on an array of glasses knowing there are 4 laterals glasses which are able to be up or down and 2 windshields (glasses
inherited by both).
The problem with the first one is, I can't implement 4 times the same glasses.
So the second one seems to me good but I am afraid that break SRP, I am not sure to understand what "Responsibilities" exactly are.
The correct design practise is to
code to interface rather than class.
In light of this principle I'd recommend to use a interfaces like IWindow
, ISurface
, IWindShield
with a hierarchy like below
interface ISurface
//surface specific properties which ideally should be DI-ed
public SurfaceType SurfaceType {get; set;}
public decimal Opacity {get;set;}
public decimal Thickness {get; set;}
interface IWindow:ISurface
//Window behavior specific properties and methods
public void lowerWindow();
public WindowHeight WindowLevel(){get;set;}
public void shutWindow();
// ...and more such window specific behavior
interface IWindShield:ISurface
//WindShield behavior specific properties and methods
public bool IsFogged(){get;set;}
public bool IsClean(){get;set;}
// ...and more such window specific behavior
Finally when assembling a car with all its functionality (presumably using a Builder pattern), you can have an array in the Car class of type ISurface
type like below
class Car
string carName;
Engine carEngine;
Stereo carStereo;
List<ISurface> carGlasses;
// other Car parts
// this is a typical builder pattern example
this is build using a CarBuilder
type class say MyCarBuilder
interface CarBuilder
public Car MyCar {get; set;}
void AddEngine();
void AddStereo();
void AddGlasses();// this is what works on adding ISurface List items
// and other car building methods
and the real builder class
class MyCarBuilder:CarBuilder
//... implements all methods of building your custom car