Search code examples

Delete only consecutive duplicate rows

I have collected data from an API to build a history. Initially, I saved all values every five minutes. Later, I changed my program to only save data that has changed.

Now, I want to clean up my old data and remove all values where the count has not changed from the previous record within the same account and id.

account id      count   time
42      12147   492     2015-09-20 11:31:14.0
42      12147   492     2015-09-20 11:36:19.0 // delete
13      12147   246     2015-09-20 11:31:14.0
2       12253   183     2015-09-20 11:36:19.0
2       19684   805     2015-09-20 12:00:41.0 // note in next comment
2       19684   810     2015-09-20 12:05:41.0
2       19684   805     2015-09-20 12:10:41.0 // we had this combination, but do not delete this record because the previous value was different
2       19684   805     2015-09-20 12:15:41.0 // delete
2       19684   805     2015-09-20 12:20:41.0 // delete
2       19684   806     2015-09-20 12:25:41.0

I tried to solve this with a group by over account, id and count. With that approach, however, it will delete non-consecutive duplicates—i.e., if a record has the same value again after some time, it will fall into the same group.

I also thought about writing a small script where I iterate over all data and delete the current row if account, id, and count are the same as the previous record, but I'm curious if this be possible with an single SQL statement?


  • You can use the following query:

    DELETE history 
    FROM history 
    INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(time) AS minTime, account, id, count
                FROM history
                GROUP BY account, id, count) AS h
    ON history.account = h.account AND = AND history.count = h.count
    WHERE history.time > h.minTime

    Demo here


    After the edit made I think there are still some errors in sample data of the OP (time field should be in acending order).

    Using an additional assumption of a PK present in the table, you can use the following query:

    SELECT pk
    FROM history AS h1
    WHERE account = (SELECT account 
                     FROM history AS h2
                     WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
                  = AND                       
                           h2.time < h1.time
                     ORDER BY time DESC 
                     LIMIT 1)
          id = (SELECT id 
                FROM history AS h2
                WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
             = AND                  
                      h2.time < h1.time
                ORDER BY time DESC 
                LIMIT 1)
          count = (SELECT count
                   FROM history AS h2
                   WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
                = AND                     
                         h2.time < h1.time
                   ORDER BY time DESC 
                   LIMIT 1)

    in order to identify to-de-deleted records (see this demo).

    Now you can easily delete unwanted rows using NOT IN operator:

    DELETE FROM history 
    WHERE pk IN (
    FROM (             
      SELECT pk
      FROM history AS h1
         account = (SELECT account 
                    FROM history AS h2
                    WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
                 = AND                       
                          h2.time < h1.time
                          ORDER BY time DESC 
                          LIMIT 1)
         id = (SELECT id 
               FROM history AS h2
               WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
            = AND                  
                     h2.time < h1.time
               ORDER BY time DESC 
               LIMIT 1)
         count = (SELECT count
                  FROM history AS h2
                  WHERE h1.account = h2.account AND
               = AND                     
                        h2.time < h1.time
                  ORDER BY time DESC 
                  LIMIT 1)) AS x)

    Demo here

    EDIT 2:

    Using variables in order to located to-de-deleted pk values might lead to query that is considerably faster:

    SELECT pk
    FROM (
      SELECT pk, account, id, count, time,
             @rn := IF (account = @acc AND id = @id AND count = @count,
                        @rn + 1, 1) AS rn,
             @acc := account,
             @id := id,
             @count := count
      FROM history
      CROSS JOIN (SELECT @rn = 0, @acc = 0, @id = 0, @count = 0) AS vars
      ORDER BY account, id, time, count ) AS t
    WHERE t.rn > 1

    Demo here