I have to install big CMS on my localhost, but it requires mcrypt, and pdo_mysql. Before I've tried to install them, I've tried to access site, but I only got blank page. I'm running apache on windows, so I heard that I have to keep dll's in php extension folder. I've downloaded from dlldll.com (it's not ad) files php_pdo_mysql.dll, and php_mcrypt.php. In php.ini I've uncommented lines "extension=php_mcrypt.dll", and "extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll". I've restarted apache... Blank again. And what now?
This is my get_loaded_extensions:
[0] => bcmath
[1] => calendar
[2] => com_dotnet
[3] => ctype
[4] => session
[5] => filter
[6] => ftp
[7] => hash
[8] => iconv
[9] => json
[10] => odbc
[11] => pcre
[12] => Reflection
[13] => date
[14] => libxml
[15] => standard
[16] => tokenizer
[17] => zlib
[18] => SimpleXML
[19] => dom
[20] => SPL
[21] => wddx
[22] => xml
[23] => xmlreader
[24] => xmlwriter
[25] => apache2handler
[26] => curl
[27] => gd
[28] => mbstring
[29] => mysql
[30] => mysqli
[31] => rar
[32] => zip
[33] => eAccelerator
What I did wrong?
Some progress - now I have PHP startup warning on apache restart. "Unble to load php_mcrypt.dll/php_pdo_mysql.dll" - but I have those files in this directory. Is it possible that corrupted are for PHP same as non existing?
make sure you have following two options set in php.ini By default error reporting is Off and you get blank page.