I want to use prepared statements in my lua scripts. As mentioned in my previous post, people recommend using lua-dbi. Unfortunately there is little documentation available. I just need a basic script that connects to the database with credentials, and use prepared statements (prefered with a bind function to names in the query). Anyone experienced with this?
You can find it on the project's wiki pages:
Establishing connection: https://code.google.com/p/luadbi/wiki/DBDDriverConnection
-- Create a connection
local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('Driver', db, username, password, host, port))
-- set the autocommit flag
-- this is turned off by default
-- check status of the connection
local alive = dbh:ping()
-- prepare a connection
local sth = assert(dbh:prepare(sql_string))
-- commit the transaction
-- finish up
local ok = dbh:close()
where, you'd update the part dbh:prepare
as per your needs.