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Return a specific column from a many-many relationship using php in laravel

In my database I have two models, User and Role defined as many-many relationship, I'm trying to write a code in laravel that takes the id from the roles table and gets all the user fullnames from the users table.

I have defined a route that looks like this :

Route::get('roleUser/{role}', 'RoleController@RoleNames');

in which i pass the role name with it, as you see above

In my RoleController, I defined the method roleNames to do the job

public function RoleNames($role)

    $idrole = Role::where('name', '=', $role)->first()->id;
    //$iduser = DB::table('assigned_roles')->where('role_id', '=', $idrole)->first()->id;
    $iduser = DB::table('assigned_roles')->where('role_id', '=', $idrole)->get(array('id'));

    $usersUnderRole = array();
    foreach ($iduser as $idusers) {

        $usersUnderRole = array_add($usersUnderRole, $idrole, $idusers);

         $full_name = DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $idusers)->get()->full_name;
         return $this->respond([
             'result' => $this -> roleTransformer->transform($full_name)


This code is meant to take the role_id from the roles table and gets the appropriate user_ids by the pivot table assigned_roles, puts them in an array and fetches the correspondent full_names, but it says this error:

  • Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

Any advice on how to get it to work?


  • Besides the solution @lamzazo provided, there is another way to go with the answer :

            $role2 = Role::where('name', '=', $role)->first();
            $idrole = Role::where('name', '=', $role)->first()->id;
            //$iduser = DB::table('assigned_roles')->where('role_id', '=', $idrole);
            $user = DB::table('assigned_roles')->where('role_id', '=', $idrole)->get();
           // $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', '=', $iduser);
            // return $this->respond($iduser[0]->user_id);
           $userArray = array();
            foreach ($user as $users) {
                $iduser= $users->user_id;
                $allusers = User::where('id', '=', $iduser)->get(array('id', 'full_name'));
                $userArray = array_add($userArray, $i . '', $allusers);
           return $this->respond([
                  'result' => $this -> roleTransformer->testTransform($role2, $userArray)