I have a data structure as follows:
id: blah-blah-blah,
settings: {
stuff: {},
other_stuff: {},
provided: []
I need to update various items with dynamically generated keys and/or values. Updating the nested objects is easy. For instance, updating some key inside settings.stuff I can create an update object as follows:
update_object = r.object('settings', r.object('stuff', r.object(key, value)))
and then run
But appending some dynamically generated value to the nested array is beyond me. I gather it's something along the lines of:
r.db(foo).table(bar).get(woot).update(function(document) {
return {"settings": document("settings")....append(value)
but I'm at a loss about how to fill in the blank in the last line.
OK, I figured it out:
.update({'settings': {'provided': r.row('settings')('provided').append(value)}});