I have a Profiles
document collection with array of the following documents :
public class Profile2MailList
[BsonElement(elementName: "listId")]
public int MailListId;
[BsonElement(elementName: "status")]
public int Status;
[BsonElement(elementName: "subscriptionDate")]
public DateTime SubscriptionDate;
in each Profile
I need to add to the Profile2MailList
array a new Profile2MailList
document in each Profile
based on Profile2MailList
which already contains in a certain Profile
. So i need to
collection Profile2Maillist
array in each Profile
Run update command
How can i perform that action via C# 2.0 MongoDb Driver
. I have MongoDb v 3.0.2
I try to make it by the following way :
List<Profile> listProfiles = new List<Profile>();
foreach (Profile item in profiles)
item.MailLists.ToList().Add(new Profile2MailList(maillistId, item.MailLists.FirstOrDefault().Status));
var t = item;
The method "UpdateManyAsync" only works if you want to perform one type of update, which doesn't seem to be your case. What you want to do is perform a Bulk-Update instead. Building on your example, you would want to do something like:
var bulk = new List<WriteModel<Profile>>();
foreach (Profile item in profiles)
var newProfile = new Profile2MailList(maillistId, item.MailLists.FirstOrDefault().Status);
var filter = Builders<Profile>.Filter.Eq(g => g.Id, item.Id);
var update = Builders<Profile>.Update.AddToSet(item.MailLists, newProfile);
var updatemodel = new UpdateOneModel<Profile>(filter, update);
await profileCollection.BulkWriteAsync(bulk);
The AddToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is already present.