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How to debug RedirectToAction

I am trying to debug a problem wherein RedirectToAction appears to be working properly (i.e., the redirected-to Action is executed) but the specified View is never rendered on the client side and the url is not rewritten. My question is really where can I be looking to debug this? Here's the code:


<%using (Html.BeginForm("Save", "Items", FormMethod.Post, new {id="ItemForm"})) {%>
   ..form contents elided...
       <%= Html.Button("btnSave", ViewData.Model.SaveMethod, HtmlButtonType.Submit) %>
       <%= Html.Button("btnCancel", "Cancel", HtmlButtonType.Button, 
                                "window.location.href = '" +      Html.BuildUrlFromExpressionForAreas<ItemsController>(c => c.Index()) + "';") %>     
<% } %>


    public ActionResult Save(Item item)
        if (item.Id == Guid.Empty)
            return Create(item);

        return Edit(item);

    public ActionResult Edit(Item item)
        if (ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
            ActionConfirmation updateConfirmation =
                _itemManagementService.UpdateWith(item, item.Id);

            if (updateConfirmation.WasSuccessful)
                TempData[ControllerEnums.GlobalViewDataProperty.PageMessage.ToString()] =
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

        ItemFormViewModel viewModel =
            _itemManagementService.CreateFormViewModelFor(item, _indicatorManagementService, _strategyManagementService);
        return View(viewModel);

    public ActionResult Index()
        ItemsFormViewModel viewModel = _itemManagementService.CreateListFormViewModel(_indicatorManagementService,
        return View(viewModel);

I am using a custom model binder, but model.IsValid returns true and the changes to the model save successfully. I am at a loss as to where to look to track this down.

Thanks for looking.


  • As always, as soon as I post, I finally figure it out. Had some left over jquery from a previous approach that was hijacking the submit.