Hi programming in Matlab here, and for some reason I keep getting errors in my while loop. Can anyone give me an example on how to make multiple conditions in a while loop? Here is my while loop,
while (user_input ~= 256);%try catch does not work very well for this
prompt = 'Please enter one of the listed gray levels (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2). ';
user_input = input(prompt);
I would like it to be something like ,
while (user_input ~= 256 || user_input ~= 128 || user_input ~= 64)
Thank you for your help!
The symbol &
is the and
logical operator. You can use it for multiple conditions in your while
while (user_input ~= 256 & user_input ~= 128 & user_input ~= 64)
prompt = 'Please enter one of the listed gray levels (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2). ';
user_input = input(prompt);
As beaker pointed out, what you ask is to ask for input as long as it is not one of the following values : 256, 128 or 64. Using the or
logical operator would mean that user_input
should be 256, 128 and 64 at the same time to break the loop.
You can also use ismember
conditional_values = [256, 128 , 64]
while ~ismember(user_input, conditional_values)
prompt = 'Please enter one of the listed gray levels (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2). ';
user_input = input(prompt);
An other way to go, proposed by Luis Mendo, is to use any
conditional_values = [256, 128 , 64]
while ~any(user_input==conditional values)
prompt = 'Please enter one of the listed gray levels (256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2). ';
user_input = input(prompt);
user_input == conditional_value
returns an array composed of 1s and 0s depending on if values of conditional_values
match with user_input
. Then any finds if there is at least one 1
on this array. Then we apply ~
which is the not