I am using the following CKNotification Info and this seems to work fine:
CKNotificationInfo *note = [[CKNotificationInfo alloc] init];
note.alertBody = @"Something Happened";
note.shouldBadge = NO;
note.shouldSendContentAvailable = NO;
When something changes on an iOS device, my Mac app receives a Push notification based on a subscription with this notification. However, didReceiveRemoteNotification
is never called so I can't process the event. I need to be able to refresh and fetch new changes. How do I do that?
Okay I've finally figured it out. If you use a CKNotificationInfo for your alerts, didReceiveRemoteNotification
will NOT be called on the Mac until and unless you set CKNotificationInfo.soundName
to an empty string! This looks like a bug only in OS X (10.10 & 10.11 so far) but can be worked around by this simple change.