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Initialize components with an internal ID

I should create a structure (entity "A") composed of N components (entities "B"). Each component has several inputs and outputs and an internal signal ID (must be static), that identificates the component from 0 to N-1. Each component perform some operation based on ID. My problem is how to attribuite a static ID to each component at initialization time (during the port mapping). Obviously the components are "created" in for..generate loop, because N could be generic.


  • Declare a generic for your components, assign it the loop index of the generate, and, internally, assign the generic to the signal:

    entity insider is
      generic(id: natural);
    end entity insider;
    architecture arc of insider is
      signal s: natural;
      s <= id;
    end architecture arc;
    architecture arc of outsider is
      g: for i in 1 to 10 generate
        i: entity work.insider
          generic map(id => i)
          port map(
      end generate g;
    end architecture arc;